Who Will Cry When You Die Summary


“Who will cry when you die” is divided into 101 parts. This book starts with a simple message which is, “when you born you were crying, while others were smiling, you must die in such a way that others will cry, and you will smile at your funeral”. Each part is teaching you to make your life meaningful, peaceful and by doing so it makes life wholesome. This book is written to eliminate regret in life.


Robin Sharma was born in India in the year 1964 to Shashi Sharma and Shiv Sharma. When he was just one year old his family moved to Canada. He was a practising lawyer from profession until the age of 25. Now, he is a Canadian writer

He is mostly known for his bestselling book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”. He has published at least twelve books till now and “Who Will Cry When You Die” is one of them.

His books include “The 5 AM Club”, “The Leader Who Had No Title”, “The Secret Letter”, “Family Wisdom”, “The Greatness Guide”, and “The Everyday Hero Manifesto” etc.


We will divide this book into several parts and will focus on each part one by one.

Improve your living

Improve your health

Attract success

Personal growth initiatives


Several chapters of this book focus on improving your life for good. 

1.      The first and foremost thing you must do is to discover your calling. We all have objectives to fulfil in this world. You must focus on the things you do best. According to Mahatma Gandhi be the change you want to see in this world.

2.      Be kind. Mr Sharma advises the reader to be kind at least for one person every day to the person whom you don’t know. This will not only bring you peace but also create a sense of fulfilment.

3.      Always keep shifting your perspective in any negative situation. Remember that your problem is not as big as you think.  And be unorthodox. Don’t do the things just because everyone is doing it, do those things that you like or something which gives meaning to your life. It does not matter what others will think of you, it only matters you are leading your life according to your will.

4.      To improve your life for good, you must practise tough love. Here, Mr Sharma compares Tough love with Self-discipline because practising it, is tough, but the fruits are sweet. We all know the benefits of self-discipline, but only a few of us follow it. And those who follow become their best self. Every successful entrepreneur, businessman, CEO, etc. practise tough love. Once you get habitual to it, you will be unstoppable.

5.      Stop complaining to others about your life or stop blaming others for whatever happens in your life and start taking responsibility for your life. Whatever happens in your life, you are only responsible for it. Not your parents, not your brother or sister, not your friend, and not anyone is responsible. Take your responsibility and see your life getting changed for good.



1. There are many chapters in the book “who will cry when you die” which focus on improving your health. As health plays a very vital and significant role in achieving whatever your purpose is. There is also an important saying that goes like “a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body”. Every one of us is familiar with this but very few take care of it.

2. To live your life completely, you must consider your body as a temple and keep it as a sacred place. Today’s generation is remarkably busy building their future and they forget to look after their health. There should be some hours that can be devoted to your exercise and meditation every week. It can be going to the gym, exercising at home, swimming, yoga, and simple stretching. This gives you a balanced, serene, and happy life. Do no harm to your health by consuming lots of unhealthy foods and by overeating.

3. Spending at least twenty minutes in meditation can help you in starting your day gracefully and every hour after it will be worth it. As Blaise Pascal wrote, “All miseries of man derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone”. In contemplation of mastering your mind, you must learn to concentrate on one single task at a time and this can only be achieved through meditation. Without this, your mind will be your master and you will be a servant to it.  Meditation is the way to make your mind function the way it is designed to function.

4.  In ancient times people were eating light foods as they know anything more could disturb their peaceful mind which is been cultivated by hard meditation. But nowadays, people are getting attracted toward less healthy food. Suppose you own a Formula One race car, you would never think of fuelling it less than any premium-grade gas, then why are you fuelling your body which is the most important thing by consuming unhealthy drinks and food.

5. If you want to change your habit you can go with drinking one glass of fresh homemade juice every morning. The juice can be of anything of your choice for instance orange juice, grape juice, banana shake, and strawberry juice etc. This not only gives a good start to your day but also help you in enhancing your mood and energy for the rest of the day.

       6. We live in a time where everything is available just in one click. Everyone wants to be in the race and feel connected to the world utilizing news. News takes your peace away. According to research, it is found out that the weekdays' edition of the New York Times accommodates information more than any average person exposed to during his/ her entire lifetime in the seventeenth century. To retain your peace, you must disconnect yourself from consuming too much news and start connecting yourself to nature. Nature gives a sense of fulfilment and a sense of connection to the world.

    7. In research, it is found out that an average person laughs at most fifteen times a day while an average four-year-old laughs three hundred times a day. We are all familiar with the quote that “laughter is the best medicine”. Daily laughter increases energy, elevate mood, and promote creativity. This is the reason why laughing is also included in the exercise. Every morning, at least for five minutes, everyone should laugh in front of a mirror.  You can also watch funny movies, dramas, and read funny books.



Everyone wants to be successful and run behind it. But rather than chasing success, you should learn to attract success through your work and mind. You can find some chapters in this book that will help you in attracting success toward yourself. And we will be drawing our focus to some of those chapters now.

1.      Take more risks. When you will be on your deathbed, you will not regret those risks that you have taken and did not work rather than you will regret those risks that you could have taken but you choose not to. Take more risk as much as possible, it will only attract success and if not, it will bring you a lesson to learn. According to timeless principle, “life is nothing more than a game of numbers in which the more risk you will take the more reward you will receive”. Start doing the thing from which you fear, stop setting for less than you deserve and be good at being uncomfortable.

2.      Life is all about the choices you make. Highly successful and actualized people make wiser choices than others. You can simply sit at the shore of the river and wait for the opportunity or you can dive into the water and take out the pearl from it which is waiting for the right person, filled with courage. Extend your boundaries on daily basis.

3.      According to Mr Sharma, a deep sense of fulfilment and inspiration is necessary for making any difference in this world. Every genius of the world is being derived by their inner inspiration to enrich the lives of others. As Woodrow Wilson said, “You are not here to make a living, you are here to make the world live more amply, with greater wisdom, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand”.

4. Mr Sharma said in the book that time is the greatest leveller. Everyone got an equal amount of time which is twenty-four hours a day. But what separates a successful from an unsuccessful is the ability to use this time effectively. Therefore, you must commit yourself to managing your time effectively and do not allow anyone to waste your time. Develop a keen sense of awareness about how important your time is and work toward living every moment of your life completely.



The only mantra to live peaceful is to develop a sense of gratefulness inside you. You should be grateful for every breath you take. Certain chapters of this book “Who will cry when you die” focus on helping you develop gratitude which leads directly to your personal growth.

1    1. Sharma gave a name to the first thirty-minute of your morning as “The Platinum 30”. If you ensure that you will spend these thirty minutes with utmost sincerity, think purest of thoughts and take the wisest decision, you will see every minute unfolding marvellously after those thirty minutes. He shared that he has a specific place for renewal activity and he spend at least fifteen minutes from those thirty minutes there, next he read a book from wisdom literature.

2.     2. Write a daily journal as it is the best initiative for personal growth. Your daily journal is not your diary but something on which you can write your daily experiences and the lesson you learnt from it. In doing so, you could easily see problems and intentions that will build your focus and lead you away from distraction.

3.     3. Several people said that it is difficult for them to say “No”. It is very important to say No and for that, you need to focus on your priorities. Make a list of it and keep working to achieve them. Focus on the things you do best and devote your time. Say No gracefully to every other thing which distracts you from your goal. Robin Sharma has written in his book the monk who sold his Ferrari that “if your priorities do not get scheduled into your planner, other people priorities will get put into your planner”.

4.     4At least once a week you should spend a day without your watch and do whatever you feel like doing. Flow with the universe. You can read your favourite book, spend time with your family or close friend but without the interference of your watch.

5.     5. Practise forgiveness. The more you forgive someone, the more you will find peace. Several people take it the wrong way by comparing forgiveness with ignorance. Forgiveness is not ignorance, it means that you are taking the freedom from them to hurt you. You can forgive someone and never talk to him/her again at the same time.



Who will cry when you die is a fantastic self-help book to read and the best part of this book is that it is divided into chapters. You will not get confused while reading this.

This is a very basic book because we all are familiar with the things we should be doing in our daily life but never take any step. One can easily describe what Mr Sharma is about to say through this topic, but some of the topics are undoubtedly interesting like “the platinum 30”, “sleep-less”, “go on a news fast”, and “don’t finish every book you start” etc.

If you are someone who tries to be a better person every single day, then this book is made for you. The style of Robin Sharma to relate quotes with his writing makes it worth reading. This book is for those who want to take charge of their life. And to lead life by choice and not by chance. There are more than something in this book. After all, it is written by the writer who has written the monk who has sold his Ferrari series.



Q.1 What are those quotes which Robin Sharma has written in his book “Who will cry when you die”?

ANS. There are several quotes given in the “who will cry when you die” book, some of which are –

a.      “Son, when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries, while you rejoice.

b.      “The successful people have a habit of doing the things failure don’t like to do,” said essayist, “They do not like them either, necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose,” remarked E.M Gray.

c.      “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however, measure or far away.”

d.      “We live in a world where we conquered the highest of the mountain but not yet to master ourselves.”

e.      “Happiness is not a place you reach but a state you create.”

f.       “I wept because I had no shoe until I saw a man you had no feet.”

g.      “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.”

h.      “We first make our habit then our habit makes us.”

i.        “Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.”

j.       “Fake it till you make it.”


Q.2 Name the Books that are referred to by Robin Sharma?

ANS. The books referred by Robin Sharma are-

a.      Tuesdays with Morrie- An Old Man, A Young Man, and life’s greatest lesson.

b.      The Aladdin Factor.

c.      The Artist’s Way.

d.      Getting the Most Out of Life.

e.      Bring Out the Magic in Your Mind.

f.       Walden.

g.      The Power of Positive Thinking.

h.      As a Man Thinketh.

i.       Gary Larson’s Far Side Series

j.       Dilbert Cartoon

Mr Sharma has advised the reader to not finish every book you start. If you do not get any information from the first three chapters of the book, you should stop reading it immediately and pick up another one. Time is precious, read the book which no one is reading and think the thought which no one is thinking.








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