The Every Day Hero Manifesto Summary


Robin Sharma has written several bestselling books. These books have inspired and transcended the life of many, especially the monk who sold his Ferrari. He also gives several seminars, influence people, and public speaking. Many people follow in his footsteps.



This book seems more like the autobiography of Robin Sharma. He shared his belief, value, everyday activities, purpose, and techniques to achieve goals through this book. On the pages, you will find some calibrated philosophy to materialise your finest talent, revolutionary methodologies to produce masterwork and a steady stream of insights to lead a life of breath-taking beauty, enduring joy and spiritual joy. This book will help you in building good habits and in leaving the habits that do not serve you.




Every day we are presented with an opportunity that can shift our life completely. Below are the five steps that can materialize your mastery and lead to your finest life.

a. Shift Your Mindset from Can’t to Can

All world-builders never doubt their capabilities and use the language of hope. They avoid being infected with can’t.  On the other hand, doubted and defeated thinkers make excuses, complain about every little thing, and never take responsibility for their life.

Begin the process of clearing out all the cant’s and reprogram in the process of the can. Re-order your vocabulary toward the leadership to escalate your confidence.


b. The Shift from Making Excuses to Delivering Results

Either you change the world or make excuse. You cannot do both things. A victim has every answer to why his/her life is not working. These people have brainwashed themselves into believing their excuses are true. And these excuses make those people settle for mediocrity.

But you grew the instant you realise that your life is your responsibility. Each time you protect yourself from giving excuses and see yourself as the creator of life, you will receive a corresponding increase in strength. Do this every day, and see yourself as the master of self-discipline, spiritual liberty, and productivity.


c. The Shift from Living in the Past to Making a Brighter Future.

The victim lives in the past. While the world-changers see the past as an academy they can learn from, they avoid living in the past as they see the past as a prison to protect themselves.


d. The Shift from Being Busy to Becoming Productive.

Some people confuse being busy with being productive and moving to progress.  It is very much easy to deceive yourself into thinking that you have too much to do.


e. The Shift from Taking from the World to Giving to the World.

All the leaders and world builders are those who understand their responsibility toward the world. Instead of taking from the world, make yourself enthusiastic to give to the world. Behave in a way that serves all the citizens.



Hellen Keller said, “We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world”.  We fail, we rise, and we fail again. This is the nature of life. Some days are good, some days are bad and it’s perfectly okay. We are human beings and we feel these kinds of things. Remember not feeling okay is absolutely okay.

All the uncomfortable seasons of your life take you closer to wisdom, spiritual freedom, happiness and peace.


Your energy is being shifted by the ecosystem you are in. And your performance is influenced by your surroundings. The IPOP stands for Input Positivity and you will Output Positivity. To increase your productivity and inspiration do the things that inspire you. Filter out the things that steal your productivity, using social media, watching news throughout the day, following celebrities and gossiping, for instance.



Below are the seven causes that will take you to master your potential. The main goal is not just to create an environment of self-mastery, it is to maintain this goal.

a. The Threat of Talent Erosion

Most people, after achieving a certain limit, stop to pull themselves. They stop practising, thinking, and upgrading their skills. And this results in losing everything they acquired.

b. The Threat of Energetic Division

c. The Threat of Lifestyle Complexity

d. The Threat of Success-Fed Hubris

e. The Threat of Reaching Good Enough

f. The Threat of Reputation Deterioration

g. The Threat of Human Mortality

Always remember that someone else’s lack of appreciation, grace, good or bad manner, and compassion has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.



a. Cognitive Bandwidth Deserves a Fortress Around it.

Cognitive bandwidth is used for determining the limited amount of attention the human being has available each day. People dealing with worries and stress have less cognitive bandwidth, and in turn, cause them to access less of their native intellectual brilliance. Spending too much time on social media also takes away your cognitive bandwidth.

b. Attention Residue Must be Managed for Mastery

People who are constantly checking their phone soon suffers from digital dementia. Every time they check their phone, they live a part of cognitive bandwidth there. And in doing so, they are installing Fragmented Personality Disorder that will lead to nowhere.


c. Productive Exhaustion Requires Schedule Renewal

Robin Sharma uses productive exhaustion as a term to define the pain caused by productivity. When you are giving your best, you will experience a sense of fatigue, tiredness, emotional and physical pain. But the thing is that this pain is not to mourn over but to be happy about. This is the pain of your development. The pain is a symbol of simply saying, whatever you are doing, doing right.



1. The Lifetime Big 5

The most powerful animals of all African Wildlife “The Big 5” are lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo. In the same way, we all have big 5 in our life waiting to be discovered. Find these values and protect yourself from living others life. Robin Sharma shared his big 5 which are personal mastery, dedication to family, total craft artistry, humble service to society, and the experience of ongoing beauty.


2. The Heavyweight 6

·        Sweat more in training and you will bleed less in war. Spend the first sixty minutes of your morning doing the activities that uplift your soul. Do not engage in activities that don’t deserve your precious time.

·        Spend at least 10 minutes of your day in journaling. Write down three things you are grateful for. It will help in crowding out the negative bias of the human brain and make thankfulness your automatic default.

·        Keep your body healthy by exercising and more importantly by taking a nature walk.

·        Learn for at 60 minutes of your day. It can be reading a book on self-development, relationship building, acquiring any skill or taking an online course.

·        The 90/90/1 rule, in which, for the first 90 days, you need to build an uninterruptable ritual such that your first 90 minutes will focus on that single task.

·        Design your day a week ahead.



This is an amazing book, encouraging loads of ideas, positivity and wisdom inside you. The Everyday Hero Manifesto is a combination of philosophical and practical knowledge. And Robin Sharma shared so much about himself in this book than other ones.

Although this book contains a vast amount of knowledge, I find it less interesting than other books of Robin Sharma. If you are a big fan of Robin Sharma’s writing, then you must give it a go.



Q.1 What’s the Rule-Blender’s Hypothesis?

ANS. Bend the rules that the conventions of your craft taught you were the only path to eminence. Do not follow the crowd. Be brave and don’t let yourself obsess over perfection.


Q.2 What were the 13- virtue habits of Benjamin Franklin?

ANS. The twelve habits were-

Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquillity, Chastity, and humility.


Q.3 What is the AFRA tools?

ANS. The AFRA stands for Awareness, Feel, Release, and Ascend. Use this tool to purify your heart.


Q.4 What were the six habits of Leonardo the Virtuoso?

ANS. The six were-

1. He wrote things down on paper.

2. He never let his natural curiosity die.

3. He was patient.

4. He combined various disciplines.

5. He took breaks.

6. He adored natural beauty.


Q.5 What should be your belief during hard times?

ANS. Each of us goes through difficult times in our life but the one who deals with this kind of situation mindfully wins. You should remember the given beliefs to win in your life-

1. This, too shall pass.

2. Every seemingly terrible situation inevitably ends well.

3. If it helps you grow, it’s not a problem, but a reward.

4. Adversity shows up to test how much we desire our dreams.

5. Chaos carries opportunities.

6. Heroes are born in hard times.

7. To live without adventure is to not live at all.

8. Life always has your back.

9. Life’s too short to take tragedy too seriously.


Q.6 What are the four tactics to help you become a possibilitarian?

ANS. Possiilitarians are those people who see wonder, opportunity, learning and awe in every situation where the majority see only negative. The four tactics of possibilitarian are-

1. The inspirational index card techniques.

2. Implement Silent, Solitude, and Stillness.

3. Deploy value chain gratitude.

4. Become a solution noticer.







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